

What animal do the Morlocks resemble?

What animal do the Morlocks resemble?

Human spider (5.32) New vermin (6.2) Nauseatingly inhuman (6.12)

What is the name of the creatures who live above ground?

What is the name of the creatures who live above ground? Eloi. Where is the time machine hidden?

How does Weena’s behavior influence the plot of the story?

Part A: How does Weena’s behavior influence the plot of the story? The affection that Weena has for the narrator makes him consider staying longer in her time period than he originally intended. Weena’s annoying behavior makes the Time Traveller anxious to hurry up and begin his next adventure.

How does the TT meet Weena?

In the original novel, the Time Traveler encounters Weena in the year 802,701 A.D. He rescues her from drowning in a “shallow”, while the other Eloi do nothing to help. He returns to his own time with two strange white flowers, which Weena had put into his pocket.

How are the Morlocks described in the time machine?

The Morlocks are meant to be the villains of the story, they are terrifying creatures that reside underground feasting on the peaceful Eloi, the time traveller describes them as ‘inhuman’, ‘vermin’, and likens them to rats.

What do the Eloi represent?

The Eloi represent the elitism of the rich who bask in their wealth and do not work to contribute to civilization. While they are beautiful and graceful, they are unintelligent and lazy. The Hebrew word Elohim, meaning “God,” may be the origin of the term Eloi, suggesting a fall from grace.

What do the Eloi look like?

With all their needs and desires perfectly fulfilled, the Eloi have slowly become dissolute and naive: they are described as smaller than modern humans, with shoulder-length curly hair, pointed chins, large eyes, small ears, small mouths with bright red thin lips, and sub-human intelligence.

Who are Marlocks?

Morlocks are a fictional species created by H. G. Wells for his 1895 novel, The Time Machine, and are the main antagonists. In choosing the name “Morlocks”, Wells may have been inspired by Moloch, the Caananite god of child sacrifice, with the Eloi analogous to children.

What is the importance of Weena in The Time Machine?

Weena is an Eloi woman whom the Time Traveller saves from drowning. Though he does not expect gratitude or recognition in return for his bravery, Weena surprises and charms the Time Traveller by following him everywhere from then on and adorning him constantly with flowers as a sign of gratitude and affection.

How do the Time Traveller’s friends feel about the credibility of his story at first in The Time Machine?

How do the Time Traveller’s friends feel about the credibility of his story at first in The Time Machine? They think he made up the story.

What happened to Weena in the time machine?

Weena is one lucky Eloi – she gets burned to death rather than eaten. The Time Traveller is relieved when he thinks the forest fire got her before the Morlocks (9.16) – and he’s her friend!

What does Weena symbolize in the time machine?