

What are sustainable working practices?

What are sustainable working practices?

Sustainable Workplace Practices

  • Sustainable Fit Out. A sustainable interior fit out is the essential first step in creating an environmentally sustainable workplace.
  • Energy Management.
  • Water Efficiency & Conservation.
  • Waste Reduction.
  • Go Digital.
  • Employee Engagement & Awareness.
  • Procurement & Supply Chain.

What are sustainable health practices?

Sustainable health is a personal commitment to maintaining and taking responsibility for your own health, through preventative (proactive) means. • This means not only having regular exercise, and taking care of what we eat, but also maintaining a healthy and balanced state of mind.

How are safety and sustainability related?

At their most basic level, sustainability and safety are really about the same thing: conserving resources. In the case of sustainability, those resources are typically thought of as environmental. In the case of safety, the resources are human.

What are the three areas of sustainable health?

The three broad themes in sustainable healthcare are: creating sustainable environments; changing climate; and sustainability in health system performance.

What are the four pillars of sustainable health?

However, it actually refers to four distinct areas: human, social, economic and environmental – known as the four pillars of sustainability. Human sustainability aims to maintain and improve the human capital in society.

Is safety a part of sustainability?

Many organizations view sustainability today as a union of economic, social and environmental responsibility. Occupational safety and health fits squarely within the social responsibility component of sustainability, experts say.

Why is safety and sustainability important?

Integrating safety and health into sustainability strategies can transform an organization into one that strives to protect the environment for future generations, ensures longterm economic viability and allows all people to thrive.

What are some sustainable practices around the world that help the environment?


  • Grow a garden.
  • Purchase energy efficient appliances.
  • Carpool or go on a public bus.
  • Compost your kitchen waste.
  • Plant trees.
  • How does sustainability relate to safety and health?

    Sustainability is a topic that continues to gain the attention of safety, health, and environmental (SHE) professionals. Typically a board-level issue, sustainable growth strives to balance social, economic, and ecological issues. At their most basic level, sustainability and safety are really about the same thing: conserving resources.

    How many codes of practice are there for OSH?

    ILO’s work on OSH is grounded in more than forty conventions and recommendations specifically dealing with occupational safety and health, as well as over forty codes of practice.

    How does the ILO support the Osh initiative?

    ILO work on OSH is also supported by the G7-initiated Vision Zero Fund initiative (VZF), which aims to prevent work-related deaths, injuries and diseases in global supply chains.

    How can international organizations help promote health and safety at work?

    International organizations can help to promote health and safety at work – and the most effective measures tend to be those that actively involve workers’ and employers’ organizations.