

What are the laws of Taharat HaMishpacha?

What are the laws of Taharat HaMishpacha?

PIP: The laws of Taharat HaMishpacha (Family purity), which regulate coital activity among Orthodox Jews according to menstrual cycle phase in a population that generally does not use contraception, have potentially important effects on fertility.

What are the laws of the mikvah?

The idea of mikvah is that there is no barrier between the person and the water. This means not only no clothes but also no jewelry, makeup, nail polish, fake nails or beauty products on the hair or skin. In mikvahs run by more observant Jews, an attendant will check to make sure these requirements are met.

What does Taharat HaMishpacha mean?

Taharat HaMishpacha, or Jewish family purity laws, includes the practice of separation between a menstruating woman and her husband. Most Conservative and Reform Jews do not incorporate this aspect of Judaism into their life; it is mainly Orthodox Jewish families that practice niddah laws.

When can you do Hefsek Tahara?

The Hefsek Tahara refers to the bedika that is typically performed on the 5th day of the period (day 4 for Sefardim). The objective of this bedika is to confirm that the period has ended and allow the woman to begin counting her 7 clean days on the following day.

Can a woman go to the mikvah during the day?

There is a rabbinic precedent: The Rambam, in Hilchot Biah, 4:8, allows women to immerse on the eighth day under extenuating circumstances, such as sickness, the mikvah’s being far away, or fear of nighttime crime.

What does the word Niddah mean in Hebrew?

Niddah (or nidah; Hebrew: נִדָּה‎), in traditional Judaism, describes a woman who has experienced a uterine discharge of blood (most commonly during menstruation), or a woman who has menstruated and not yet completed the associated requirement of immersion in a mikveh (ritual bath).

What makes a woman Niddah?

According to rabbinical law, a woman becomes a niddah when she is aware that blood has come from her womb, whether it is due to menstruation, childbirth, sexually transmitted disease, or other reasons.