

What does the word acquiescence mean in law?

What does the word acquiescence mean in law?

noun. the act or condition of acquiescing or giving tacit assent; agreement or consent by silence or without objection; compliance (usually followed by to or in): acquiescence to his boss’s demands. Law. such neglect to take legal proceedings for such a long time as to imply the abandonment of a right.

What does the meaning of acquiesce?

: to accept, agree, or give consent by keeping silent or by not making objections They acquiesced to the demands. acquiesce. intransitive verb.

What is an example of acquiescence?

The definition of acquiescence is the act of agreeing to something by being silent. Acquiescence is defined as the act of giving in to something or someone, often a bit reluctantly. An example of acquiescence is when a teacher gives in to students’ requests for extra recess time.

What is another word for acquiesce?

Some common synonyms of acquiesce are accede, agree, assent, consent, and subscribe.

What is the principle of acquiescence?

In law, acquiescence occurs when a person knowingly stands by without raising any objection to the infringement of their rights, while someone else unknowingly and without malice aforethought acts in a manner inconsistent with their rights.

What is the meaning of acquiescence in the context of international law?

Acquiescence In international-law terms, acquiescence has been said to denote consent conferred from a juridically relevant silence. The basic notion has arisen in several ICJ proceedings, including in relation to consular rights, border disputes, diplomatic asylum, consent to jurisdiction, and maritime claims.

How do you use the word acquiesce?

Acquiesce Sentence Examples

  1. He will acquiesce simply because he is a sick man.
  2. Will they acquiesce in that sorry state of affairs?
  3. But surely serious thought cannot acquiesce in a dual control.
  4. The committee will acquiesce in any decision on which it is not fully informed.

What does Acques mean?

noun plural. waters [noun plural] a body of water such as the sea, a river etc.

How do you use acquiescence in a sentence?

Acquiescence in a Sentence 1. The eventual acquiescence by the British led to the ending of the Revolutionary War and the founding of a nation. 2. Nodding her head in sullen acquiescence, Fran agreed to watch the action film even though she wanted to see a chick flick.

What does acquiescence mean in a sentence?

1 : passive acceptance or submission : the act of acquiescing or the state of being acquiescent I was surprised by his acquiescence to their demands. 2 : an instance of acquiescing. Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About acquiescence.

What is the legal definition of the word acquiesce?

Legal Definition of acquiesce : to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively —often used with in and sometimes with to Other Words from acquiesce

Is the decision to acquiesce the same as laches?

The decision whether to acquiesce to an adverse ruling is published by the Internal Revenue Service as an Action on Decision. Acquiescence is not the same as Laches, a failure to do what the law requires to protect one’s rights, under circumstances misleading or prejudicing the person being sued.

What does law abiding mean in English language learners?

English Language Learners Definition of law-abiding : obeying the law : not doing anything that the law does not allow See the full definition for law-abiding in the English Language Learners Dictionary

What to consider in a case of acquiescence?

There are five key areas to consider in cases involving acquiescence. Those areas are : In the previous scenario the non-responsiveness of the chair manufacturer can be considered silence. Remaining silent is the act of not responding to a request or action of another. A response will help clarify what is desired by the party remaining silent.