

What is a high level of HCV RNA?

What is a high level of HCV RNA?

The quantitative HCV RNA test is checked before a patient starts treatment. For each patient, the result can be described as either a “high” viral load, which is usually >800,000 IU/L, or a “low” viral load, which is usually <800,000 IU/L. It’s not uncommon to have a viral load in the millions.

What if HCV RNA is positive?

A positive test might occur when a person has had a previous HCV infection. This may mean that a person still has antibodies, but the body has already cleared the infection. This happens in about 15–25% of tests. The virus is more likely to clear in people whose symptoms develop in the early phase of the infection.

What is HCV signal to cutoff?

A single negative hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA test result together with a reactive HCV antibody screen result with a signal-to-cutoff ratio of 8.0 or greater does not rule out the possibility of chronic HCV infection. Repeat testing for HCV RNA in 1 to 2 months is recommended in patient at risk for chronic hepatitis C.

What is considered a high HCV viral load?

High viral load: This is when your count is more than 800,000 IU/mL. If your viral count is high at the start, it can be hard or impossible for your treatment to completely get rid of the virus. Some researchers consider high levels anything above 400,000 IU/mL. Low viral load: This is a count below 800,000 IU/mL.

What does HCV RNA detected mean?

The qualitative results indicate that HCV is present in your blood. The test result will be either “detected” or “undetected.” “Detected” means that you do have the virus in your blood. “Undetected” means that you don’t have the virus in your blood, or you have a tiny amount that can’t be detected by this test.

How accurate is HCV RNA test?

RNA: This test measures the number of viral RNA (genetic material from the hepatitis virus) particles in your blood, also called the “viral load.” The RNA test is almost 100% accurate and can detect an infection within a couple of weeks after exposure.