

What is a secondary page in PeopleSoft?

What is a secondary page in PeopleSoft?

Secondary Page Secondary pages gather or display supplemental information that is related to the data in a primary page but less frequently referenced or updated. Secondary pages are displayed using the DoModal PeopleCode function. See Using Secondary Pages. See DoModal.

What are the different types of pages in PeopleSoft?

VenkateshReddy Madathala

  • VenkateshReddy Madathala. Answered On : Jul 22nd, 2017.
  • There are total Nine types of pages are available in people soft. 1) Standard page. 2) Secondary page. 3) Sub page. 4) Popup page. 5) Header and. 6) Footer page. 7) Layout page. 8) Search page. 9) Prompt page.

What is a secondary page?

Secondary pages are optional for site sections, and they are typically used to dynamically present content on a Web site. A secondary page can have static content, but what makes secondary pages useful is their ability to have dynamically placed and replaceable content.

What is Page in PeopleSoft?

Pages are the graphical interface between your users and your application database. Using PeopleSoft Application Designer, you can create, modify, and delete page definitions in your PeopleSoft system.

What is PeopleSoft page and field configurator?

The PeopleSoft Page and Field Configurator tool enables you to tailor PeopleSoft pages to meet your user needs without using App Designer and without the cost and impact that comes with customization. See how you can eliminate page customizations in this demo from Oracle PeopleSoft.

What is Page Composer in PeopleSoft?

PeopleSoft page composer enables your administrators to design the content and layout of fluid approval pages based on your business needs using a desktop, laptop or smartphone. No need to code or customize PeopleSoft application pages and the system makes real-time changes.

What is PeopleSoft display control field?

In PeopleTools Application Designer Page development, there is a concept of a “Display Control Field” and a “Related Display field.” For example, You have an employee’s department code of 45923 on a page and you want to display the department description on the page along side it. On the page field properties of JOB.

What is a PeopleSoft page?

How do you make a related display field in Peoplesoft?

Access the properties dialog box for the new edit box. Select the Use tab. Select Related Field. Select the appropriate control field from the Related Control Field drop-down list box.