

What is Pillipesara?

What is Pillipesara?

Pillipesara (Phaseolus trilobus) Herbaceous creeper grows in to a short dense cover crop if sown thick. It can give 2-3 cuttings before being ploughed in to the field. Season: Grown in all seasons.

How do you grow Dhaincha?

For manuring purpose, use row spacing of 20-22.5cm and for seed purpose use spacing of 45×20 cm. Sowing depth should be 3-4 cm. For sowing use seed drill method.

Is Sunhemp a green manure?

As a green manure, sunn hemp is mainly grown during the rainy season. Sunn hemp should be preferably sown in a well-prepared, fertilized, weeded, seedbed to a depth of 2-3 cm. Seeds can be broadcast or sown in rows.

What is dhaincha crop?

Dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) Dhaincha is generally grown as a green manuring crop in India. It is a tall branching annual herb adapted to wet areas and heavy soils. This species has long been used for feeding livestock and for soil improvement in India.

What is the best fertilizer for paddy?

The most suitable fertilizer for paddy is Ammonium sulphate. As the N-fraction is present in the ammonium form of ammonium sulphate, rice farmers frequently apply it to flooded soils, since nitrate based fertilizers are a poor choice due to denitrification losses. Ammonium sulphate has a chemical formula (NH4)2SO4 .

What is called green manure?

Green manures are crops grown within a rotation for the purposes of: building soil organic matter and soil structure. supplying nitrogen and other nutrients for a following crop. preventing leaching of soluble nutrients from the soil. providing ground cover to prevent damage to soil structure.

What is green manure answer?

In agriculture, a green manure is a crop specifically produced to be incorporated into the soil while still green. Typically, the green manure’s biomass is incorporated with a plow or disk, as is often done with (brown) manure. The primary goal is to add organic matter to the soil for its benefits.

What does sunn hemp do for the soil?

Used as a cover crop, sunn hemp can improve soil properties, reduce soil erosion, conserve soil water, and recycle plant nutrients. ‘Tropic Sun’ is also resistant to root-knot nematodes. Other potential uses for sunn hemp are forage, paper fiber, and as alternative fuel crop (Rotar and Joy, 1983).

Is dhaincha a green manure crop?

Dhaincha is generally grown as a green manuring crop in India. It is a tall branching annual herb adapted to wet areas and heavy soils. This species has long been used for feeding livestock and for soil improvement in India. The crude protein content of seeds of Sesbania species is 33.0% and 10.9% crude fibre.

What is the English meaning of dhaincha?

dhaincha (uncountable) The legume Sesbania bispinosa, native to Asia and North Africa.

What are the fertilizer used in paddy cultivation?

Application of Chemical Fertilizer. Chemical fertilizers are the main input for high-yielding rice cultivation globally. Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) are the most applied nutrient for rice production.