

What is the age of a 4th grader?

What is the age of a 4th grader?

In North America, the fourth grade is the fifth school year of elementary school. Students are usually 9 or 10 years old, depending on their birthday, unless they started school at an earlier or later date than the average student.

How old is the average American 4th grader?

10 years old
In North America, the fourth grade is the fifth school year of elementary school. Students are usually 9 or 10 years old, depending on their birthday, unless they started school at an earlier or later date than the average student.

What ages are each grade?

Age Requirements & Grades

Birth Date Age US Grade
Sept. 1, 2010 – Aug. 31, 2011 11-12 Grade 6
Sept. 1, 2009 – Aug. 31, 2010 12-13 Grade 7
Sept. 1, 2008 – Aug. 31, 2009 13-14 Grade 8
Sept. 1, 2007 – Aug. 31, 2008 14-15 Grade 9

Should a 4th grader have a phone?

If there is a compelling reason for a fourth grade child to have a cell phone, from either the adult perspective or the child’s perspective, and it can be well articulated, then it’s a smart choice. Otherwise, let them wait until they’re older and can possibly contribute to the cost.

What grade is an 8 year old in Canada?

School Age Categories-Canada

Canadian Grade Child’s age (in the year they turn x)
Grade 2 7 years old
Grade 3 8 years old
Grade 4 9 years old
Grade 5 10 years old

What grade is a 13 year old?

Year / Grade Placement

Age UK Years US/International Grades
12 – 13 Year 8 7th Grade
13 – 14 Year 9 8th Grade
14 – 15 Year 10 9th Grade (Freshman)
15 – 16 Year 11 10th Grade (Sophomore)