

What is the basis pontis?

What is the basis pontis?

The basis pontis, or basilar/basal part of the pons, refers to the ventral portion of the pons, which contains white matter fibers of the corticospinal tract.

What is left ataxic hemiparesis?

ATAXIC HEMIPARESIS IS an unusual clinical syn- drome first described by Fisher and Cole,1 where there is weakness and ataxia on the same side. Since then there has been 10 cases reported, where it has been possible to localize the site of the lesion pathologically or by means of computed tomography.

What is basilar part of pons?

The basilar part of pons, also known as basis pontis, is the ventral part of the pons; the dorsal part is known as the pontine tegmentum. The basilar pons makes up two thirds of the pons within the brainstem. An integral part of the basilar pons is the pontine nuclei.

What is the Brachium pontis?

The middle cerebellar peduncles, also known as the brachium pontis, are paired structures connecting the cerebellum to the pons.

What causes Ataxic hemiparesis?

Introduction Ataxic hemiparesis consists of hemiparesis and so-called cerebellar ataxia on the same side of the body [1], The syndrome is usually caused by lacunar infarction in the contralateral posterior limb of the internal capsule, in the pons or the corona radiata, and, less frequently, by infarction in the …

How does Ataxic hemiparesis present?

Ataxic hemiparesis (AH) is characterized by the simultaneous presence of a pyramidal tract syndrome with homolateral ataxic syndrome. In the first description of AH by Fisher and Cole (1965), they elaborated the core symptoms as weakness and pyramidal signs on one side combined with ipsilateral cerebellar-like ataxia.

What are the parts of the pons?

The pons is divided into two sections—the pontine tegmentum on the interior part and the basilar pons on the outer part. The basilar pons forms a bulb-like protrusion from the pons that is a notable feature on the brainstem. 2 The basilar pons sits on the occipital bone and contains the basilar artery.

What is basilar sulcus?

The basilar sulcus is a groove in the pons, part of the brainstem. The basilar sulcus is vertical directed and lies in the midline of the pons on its anterior surface. The basilar artery runs within the basilar sulcus.

What causes cerebellar ataxia and what causes it?

Ataxia can be caused by lesions that interrupt the sensory input to the cerebellum (spinal or sensory ataxia), pathology of the cerebellar cortex resulting in incorrect execution of cortical signals (cerebellar ataxia), or by a combination of both (spinocerebellar ataxia).

Can a pontine stroke cause weakness on both sides?

A pontine stroke can also result in weakness on both sides of the body, not just one side like most strokes. This can make pontine strokes difficult to diagnose without an MRI scan. If you ever suspect that someone is having a stroke without typical symptoms, insist that your doctor take an MRI scan. Do not settle for anything less!

What causes ataxia and telangiectasia in children?

Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is a childhood disease characterized by ataxia, extrapyramidal dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy and other neurologic deficits, vascular dilatation, and immunodeficiency. It is caused by mutations of a gene that regulates the cell cycle.

What causes spinocerebellar ataxia with vitamin E deficiency?

A hereditary form of ataxia with vitamin E deficiency is caused by mutations of the alpha-tocopherol transfer protein. Autosomal dominant spinocerebellar ataxias (ADSCAs). There is no other group of neurodegenerative diseases with the clinical and pathological diversity of the ADSCAs.