

What is the SU password?

What is the SU password?

What is the default password for su? It’s not a default password, it’s the root’s password. You set it during the linux installation process. If running ubuntu, maybe you want to use sudo to get administrator privileges.

How do I find my su password?

What is my SU password by default?

  1. Type the following command to become root user and issue passwd: sudo -i. passwd.
  2. OR set a password for root user in a single go: sudo passwd root.
  3. Test it your root password by typing the following command: su –

What is the password for sudo su?

There is no default password for sudo . The password that is being asked, is the same password that you set when you installed Ubuntu – the one you use to login. As has been pointed out by other answers there is no default sudo password.

How do I reset my su password?

  1. Step 1: Boot to Recovery Mode.
  2. Step 2: Drop Out to Root Shell.
  3. Step 3: Remount the File System with Write-Permissions.
  4. Step 4: Change the Password.

What is the default password of su?

There is no Ubuntu Linux root password set by default and you don’t need one. Long answer from the official wiki page: By default, the root account password is locked in Ubuntu. This means that you cannot login as root directly or use the su command to become the root user.

What is the password for su on Mac?

As others have stated, it’s best to use sudo . If you must enable the root user, see Apple’s technote: Enabling and using the “root” user in Mac OS X. sudo su still works, so it is not really disabled. It just has no password.

How do I find my su password on Mac?

  1. Open the Directory Utility from /System/Library/CoreServices or in OS X 10.11 and later, System/Library/CoreServices/Applications .
  2. Click the lock button and authenticate as an administrator:
  3. Go to the menu Edit > Change root password…:
  4. It should prompt you to enter a new root password:

Is sudo password same as root password?

4 Answers. sudo , by default, asks for your password, which is the password you use to login. On the other hand su ask for the password of the target user which, unless specified, defaults to root. Note that by default Ubuntu has an invalid password field set for root, effectively making it impossible to login as root.

How do I find my sudo password in Linux?

Look in file /etc/sudoers . You will find a line like %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL , make a note of the word after the % .

How do I reset my su password in Ubuntu?

From the official Ubuntu LostPassword documentation:

  1. Reboot your computer.
  2. Hold Shift during boot to start GRUB menu.
  3. Highlight your image and press E to edit.
  4. Find the line starting with “linux” and append rw init=/bin/bash at the end of that line.
  5. Press Ctrl + X to boot.
  6. Type in passwd username.
  7. Set your password.

What is the default password for su in Linux?