

What is Veetids used for?

What is Veetids used for?

Veetids is an antibiotic belonging to the penicillin group of drugs. It works by interfering with the formation of the bacteria’s cell wall while it is growing, weakening the wall and killing the bacteria. Veetids is used to treat many different types of infections caused by bacteria, such as ear infections.

What is penicillin injection used for?

Penicillin G injection is used to treat and prevent certain infections caused by bacteria. Penicillin G injection is in a class of medications called penicillins. It works by killing bacteria that cause infections. Antibiotics such as penicillin G injection will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections.

What infections are treated with penicillin?

Penicillin is given to patients with an infection caused by bacteria. Some types of bacterial infections that may be treated with penicillin include pneumonia, strep throat, meningitis, syphilis and gonorrhea, according to the National Library of Medicine. It may also be used to prevent dental infections.

What infections is penicillin used for?

Penicillin antibiotics are used to treat many types of bacterial infections of the middle ear, sinuses, stomach and intestines, bladder, and kidney. They also are used to treat pneumonia, blood infections (sepsis), uncomplicated gonorrhea, meningitis, endocarditis, and other serious infections.

What are the different types of penicillin?

What are examples of penicillin antibiotics available in the US?

  • penicillin V.
  • penicillin G (Pfizerpen, Permapen)
  • amoxicillin (Amoxil)
  • amoxicillin/clavulonate (Augmentin)
  • ampicillin (Unasyn)
  • nafcillin (Nallpen)
  • oxacillin (Bactocill)
  • dicloxacillin (Dycill, Dynapen are discontinued brands in the US; generic is available)

Is there different types of penicillin?

There are several different kinds of penicillins. Each is used to treat different kinds of infections. One kind of penicillin usually may not be used in place of another. In addition, penicillins are used to treat bacterial infections in many different parts of the body.

What type of infections does penicillin treat?

Penicillin V potassium is used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria such as pneumonia and other respiratory tract infections, scarlet fever, and ear, skin, gum, mouth, and throat infections.