

What nationality is the last name Pretorius?

What nationality is the last name Pretorius?

Pretorius is a common Afrikaans surname. Recorded in several forms (including Praetor, Praetorius, Pratorius, Pretorius, (German), and in English Preater, Preter and Pretor), Pretorius is a surname of Germanic origins, although the ultimate origin is the Roman (Latin) word “praetor”.

Where does the surname Pretorius?

The Pretorius surname comes from the word Latin “praetor,” and was a term used for a reeve, the chief magistrate or bailiff of a district. Additionally, the name could have meant “leader.” The Pretorius variant is a common Afrikaans surname which is unique to South Africa.

How do you say Pretorius?

  1. Phonetic spelling of Pretorius. Pre-to-rius. pre-to-rius.
  2. Meanings for Pretorius. Pretorius is a surname. Prominent in South Africa.
  3. Examples of in a sentence. Pretorius with 5-wicket haul propels South Africa to Dynamic Dwaine Pretorius’ T20 record: How he did it.
  4. Translations of Pretorius. Chinese : 比勒陀利乌斯

Where does the surname Coetzee come from?

More information about the surname “Coetzee”. This is one of the earliest settlers surnames of South Africa, being recorded in the Cape of Good Hope in the 17th Century. Its “modern” origins are regarded as Dutch-Flemish, but its true origins are Old French, and specifically Breton.

How common is the last name Coetzee?

How Common Is The Last Name Coetzee? The last name Coetzee is most frequently occurring in South Africa, where it is carried by 83,814 people, or 1 in 646.

Is Coetzee Dutch?

Where is Van Zyl from?

Van Zyl Name Meaning Dutch: topographic name for someone who lived by a sluice or water management system in low-lying land, from zijl ‘sluice’, ‘pump’, or a habitational name from places in the provinces of South Holland and Utrecht named with this word.

Is Coetzee a South African name?

John Maxwell Coetzee
J. M. Coetzee/Full name

Where is the surname Coetzee from?

What does Zyl mean?


Acronym Definition
ZYL Sylhet, Bangladesh (airport code)
ZYL Zerca y Lejos (Spanish non-governmental organization; Cameroon)

Is Van Zyl Dutch?

What is the origin of the surname Van Zyl?

Dutch: topographic name for someone who lived by a sluice or water management system in low-lying land, from zijl ‘sluice’, ‘pump’, or a habitational name from places in the provinces of South Holland and Utrecht named with this word.