

What should you avoid when taking citalopram?

What should you avoid when taking citalopram?

Avoid drinking alcohol or taking illegal or recreational drugs while taking citalopram….7. Interactions

  1. anticoagulants (blood thinners), such as warfarin, or other drugs that have blood-thinning effects such as aspirin or NSAIDs.
  2. anticonvulsants, such as phenytoin, phenobarbital, or primidone.

Is it OK to take ibuprofen while taking citalopram?

Using citalopram together with ibuprofen may increase the risk of bleeding. The interaction may be more likely if you are elderly or have kidney or liver disease. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

Can you take citalopram and paracetamol together?

It is OK to take Paracetamol with Citalopram, but if you are taking other kinds of medication every day you need to let your doctor know, as they may interact with Sertraline and change its effect on your body.

Can you take anti inflammatory with citalopram?

ibuprofen citalopram Using citalopram together with ibuprofen may increase the risk of bleeding. The interaction may be more likely if you are elderly or have kidney or liver disease. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.

Can you drink caffeine while taking citalopram?

Citalopram Interactions with Caffeine Consumption of caffeine products, chocolates and desserts along with citalopram can cause dangerous side effects leading to serotonin syndrome.

What pain medication can you take with antidepressants?

“There are other antidepressants which seem to be less harmful.” He also advised patients on SSRIs: “If you do need to take a painkiller, drugs such as paracetamol may be a safer choice, rather than the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen.”

How long does 10mg citalopram stay in your system?

Celexa has a half-life of about 35 hours, that means that it takes 35 hours for half of the drug to effectively leave your system. It takes about one week for the drug to leave your system entirely. 2 This is good, because it means withdrawal won’t hit hard and fast as soon as your dose is discontinued.

What painkillers can I take with citalopram?

If you need to take a painkiller it’s fine to take paracetamol with citalopram. However, don’t take anti-inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen, diclofenac or naproxen without checking with your doctor first, because these may increase the risk of bleeding.

What antiinflammatory can I take with citalopram?

Does caffeine affect antidepressants?

We found that caffeine does not affect the concentrations of most of the tested antidepressants (desipramine, fluoxetine, escitalopram, reboxetine) either in serum or brain tissue.

What to avoid while on antidepressants?

Avoid driving or operating machinery. Avoid caffeine, tobacco and alcohol. Drink plenty of fluids. Take your antidepressant at bedtime if your doctor approves.

Is the 30mg of citalopram considered a high dose?

30mg is not a high dose at all, although the majority of patients who I recall having same medication are on either 20mg OR 40mg- no-one is on 30mg (??) Standard adult dose is is 10 to 40mg. It isn’t about high or low really as everyone reacts differently.

What kind of drug is citalopram an antidepressant?

Citalopram is an antidepressant belonging to a group of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Are there any side effects to drinking citalopram?

Drinking alcohol can increase certain side effects of citalopram. Citalopram may impair your thinking or reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be alert.

How often can I take citalopram for generalized anxiety disorder?

Generalized anxiety disorder (off-label use): Oral: Initial: 10 mg once daily; may gradually increase dose based on response and tolerability in 10 mg increments at intervals ≥1 week to a maximum dose of 40 mg/day for adults ≤60 years and 20 mg/day for adults >60 years of age (Blank 2006; Varia 2002).