

Which planet is lowest in density?

Which planet is lowest in density?

Saturn, the least dense planet in the Solar System on the other hand, has a density lower than that of water.

Which planet has less density less than water?

Saturn is very large and is the second largest planet in the Solar System. However, it is made up mostly of gas and is less dense than water. Since it is lighter than water, it can float on water.

Which of the following is the least dense planet?

The least dense planet in the Solar System is Saturn, which has an average density of only 687 kg/m3 (42.8 lb/cu ft).

What is the smallest and densest planet?

Mercury is the Solar System’s smallest planet, with an average diameter of 4879 km (3031.67 mi). It is also one of its densest at 5.427 g/cm3, which is second only to Earth.

Which has the lowest average density?

Saturn is mainly composed of the lightest two gases known, hydrogen and helium. It is the only planet in our solar system whose density is less than water….Planetary Densities.

Planet Average Density (gm/cm3) Required Mass for 70 cm3 (gm)
Earth 5.5 385.0
Mars 3.9 273.0
Jupiter 1.3 91.0
Saturn 0.7 49.0

Which planet has the lowest density quizlet?

Terms in this set (15)

  • Saturn. the planet with the lowest density and hundreds of thin rings.
  • elliptical. Johannes Kepler discovered that the orbits of planets are this.
  • Uranus and Neptune. Methane gives them their blue-green color.
  • Jupiter.
  • Neptune.
  • the Largest of Saturn’s moons.
  • Mars.
  • Mercury.

Does Mars float or sink in water?

If the gravity on Mars is less than on Earth, how do things like equipment put on Mars not float off? The gravity on Mars is less than on Earth, but not zero. It is still enough to hold the planet together and things stay on the surface.

What is the order of the planets from most dense to least dense?

Which is the densest of all planets *?

Earth has the highest density of any planet in the Solar System, at 5.514 g/cm3. This is considered the standard by which other planet’s densities are measured. In addition, the combination of Earth’s size, mass and density also results in a surface gravity of 9.8 m/s².

What is the smallest planet?


Which is very smallest planet?

Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system – only slightly larger than Earth’s Moon.