

Which station is inooro FM?

Which station is inooro FM?

Inooro FM, 88.9 FM, Nairobi, Kenya | Free Internet Radio | TuneIn.

Where is Radio Citizen located?

Nairobi, Kenya
Radio Citizen, 106.7 FM, Nairobi, Kenya | Free Internet Radio | TuneIn.

Where is Musyi FM located?

Musyi FM Office is located at Syokimau Ave, Machakos, Kenya, Machakos County.

Who is the owner of Citizen Television?

Citizen TV

Owner Royal Media Services Ltd
Launched 1999

Is inooro on DStv?

Finally, Citizen TV Kenya (Ch 273) and Inooro TV (Ch 269) are back on air. Watch all local news perspectives on DStv. …

Who is the head of Radio Citizen?

Radio personality Jeridah Andayi, whose name is more familiar than her face for obvious reasons, is a proud mother who has a striking resemblance with her daughter. The courageous and aggressive Jeridah has been the head of Radio Citizen, the Royal media Services-owned Kiswahili radio station since 2018.

Where is Bahari FM located in Kenya?

Bahari FM (Mombasa, Kenya)

Who is the head of Musyi FM?

Christine Ndanu
Also known as Kadot, Christine Ndanu is the station head and one of the pioneer presenters having joined Musyi FM in 2005. Through her leadership and teamwork skills.

When was Musyi FM started?

July 25th 2005
Started on July 25th 2005, Musyi FM is the leading Kamba language station that broadcasts in Nairobi and the greater Lower Eastern Kenya region.

What kind of radio station is Inooro FM?

Tu Me Enamoraste (Feat. Koko) Plus Castañeda This is a Kikuyu radio station located in Nairobi. Inooro FM broadcasts a wide variety of contents such as talk shows, music, sports coverage, news and information on many subjects (business, agriculture and health, to mention just a few).

Is there a radio station in Nairobi Kenya?

This is a Kikuyu radio station located in Nairobi. Inooro FM broadcasts a wide variety of contents such as talk shows, music, sports coverage, news and information on many subjects (business, agriculture and health, to mention just a few).

What does the name Inooro mean in Kikuyu?

Organization and style of presentation cooks for all the financial gatherings in all cases. The name “Inooro” implies an apparatus for honing devices in Kikuyu henceforth through the station’s modifying, the audience members may be engaged in different courses as they get to be ‘more keen’.