

Why is it called the Bear pit Bristol?

Why is it called the Bear pit Bristol?

Known colloquially as “The Bear Pit” because of its fearsome reputation, this site has been a no man’s land since its creation. This area played host to the famous St. James Fair from the 12th Century. Traders traveled to the Fair from across the known world until it was closed down in the 1830s.

What happened to the bear pit in Bristol?

“In May 2018, Bristol City Council demolished the Cube sculpture in the Bearpit, which was financed by Arts Council grant. This was done, in our view, without due process.

When was the bear pit in Bristol built?

It was built in the early 1700s when it would have been a very desirable residential location. It was gradually absorbed by the city’s expansion and the growth of St James Parish as a predominantly working class area. The Square was also home to Bristol’s first children’s hospital in Victorian times.

What is the meaning of bear pit?

Definition of ‘bear pit’ 1. a place, such as parliament or the stock market ,where there are a lot of aggressive, argumentative and competitive people. when the Premier steps into the parliamentary bear pit. 2. an enclosure for bears in a zoo, etc.

What were bear pits used for?

A bear pit was historically used to display bears, typically for entertainment and especially bear-baiting. The pit area was normally surrounded by a high fence, above which the spectators would look down on the bears.

When was bear-baiting banned in England?

Bear-baiting was made illegal in Britain 1835, although it continued elsewhere in the world until very recently – “bear baying” (where chained bears are held “at bay” by dogs, but not supposed to be come into contact with them) was only banned in South Carolina, US, in 2013.

What was bear baiting that took place in theaters?

By far the most popular sport was bear-baiting. In this brutal test, a bear would be led into a pit and then chained to a stake by its leg or neck. As spectators cheered and placed bets, a pack of dogs—usually bulldogs or mastiffs—would be unleashed into the arena to torment and attack the bear.

Why did bear-baiting end?

Baiting was banned by the Puritans during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms and the resultant Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, which ended in 1660. By the late 17th century “the conscience of cultivated people seems to have been touched”.

When did bear-baiting stop in UK?

How much did bear baiting cost?

The costs of attending the theatre and attending the baiting was the same, between one and three pence depending on where you stood.

Who banned bear baiting?

the Puritans
They were banned in England by the Puritans during the Civil Wars and Commonwealth (1642–60) and were permanently outlawed by act of Parliament in 1835, by which time they had also been outlawed in most countries in northern Europe.

How did the bearpit in Bristol get its name?

Locally, people call the St James Barton roundabout in Bristol’s city centre, The Bearpit. Rumour has it that the name was coined by street cleaners who thought that the layout of the 1970s subway system resembled the sunken bearpits commonly seen at zoos.

Where did the name of the Bear Pit come from?

The proper name for the Bearpit is St James Barton roundabout. The St James bit comes of course from St James Church, close by. This was originally a medieval priory and the church is generally seen as Bristol’s oldest surviving building.

Why is the bearpit cube important to Bristol?

The Bearpit Cube in the heart of Bristol is about Voice: It is seen by all who pass through. Where public space is continually eroded, the relative freedom of the Bearpit, which is hard-won, offers hope. The Cube is sometimes part of an exhibition in the Bearpit Outdoor Gallery, sometimes it is a standalone message.

Why did Bristol waste refuse to clean the bearpit?

As the growing effects of austerity caused increasing desperation, homelessness and drug addiction, and as Bristol Waste refused to be involved in maintaining and cleaning the Bearpit, it was clearly unfair to lay the blame for the messiness of the site on these underfunded and unsupported community groups.