How to write a text for private specialist services?
When it comes to the services of the company, the person working on the compilation of the text has such an “emotional airbag”. It’s like a process of interacting with a sales manager client, behind whom is the powerful support of the whole team.
Otherwise the situation is with the text for the service of an independent specialist. You are left alone with the buyer. Here the maximum concentration of attention on a particular person: you cannot hide, you cannot hide, you will not disguise yourself.
In many respects for this reason, private specialists are not in a hurry to take up the pen themselves to write a text about their services. And if they risk, then, sometimes, they suffer an insulting fiasco.
We decided to slightly correct the situation and talk about the specifics of compiling the material of such a plan.
What tasks does it solve?
In the sense of the text selling the service. Yes, he must SELL. It’s clear. But after all, in the “service-sale” chain there are intermediate links – tasks that require a “textual solution”. Namely:
- To attract attention.
- Filing key benefits.
- Withdrawal of objections.
- Answers on questions.
- Call to action.
That is, before making a purchase, the customer goes through these and, perhaps, some other stages.
So do not expect immediately from the point “1” to be in the “5”. Hardly anyone of you has the art of transgression (unless, of course, you are not an excellent pupil of the famous “Hogwarts”). Therefore, you will have to go through not one stage on the road to sale.
There is still an important point to which I would like to draw your attention – the presence of characteristic differences in the provision of services.
The text selling the services of a private specialist should only refer to one particular person. It must be unique. We know, we know, this word has long filled all the fuss, but from this it has not lost its meaning.
If we talk about the “professional sense” of the fragment, it is also written correctly in the case. All is well, except for one “but”: in this text it is possible to write down the name and surname of ANY lawyer. A kind of service template.
What do potential customers do? How to choose the right person from hundreds of identical offers?
Pity the time and nerves of customers. Give them what they expect of you. Explain what your uniqueness is (how are you different from your competitors). Why they need to apply to you.
Where to begin?
Start with a catchy title
A good title is the locomotive of your text, responsible for the “attracting attention” link. The element that attracts the audience first. Therefore, you do not have the right not to make a mistake.
Recall the three main features of effective headlines:
1) A bright profit for potential customers.
2) Target a target audience.
3) Specific figures and facts
An effective title cannot be the single word “SERVICE” (as in the case of our anti-example), even if it is written in large print and capital letters.
An example of a heading from our practice (for the service “sale of apartments”):
Perhaps, there are more skillful specialists in the sale of apartments. But many of them prefer to swell their cheeks with pride, leaving the title of the text for their services poorly-laconic (in the style of “selling apartments”, “experienced realtor”, etc.).
Yes, you are cool. And you do more for your customers than competitors. So tell me about it.
Develop a relevant lead
Lead – part of the text, the possibilities of which many times exceed its “dimensions”. This small piece of material performs an archival function: it translates the reader from the title to the main text (serves as a link).
We did not point out “small” reasonably, because many people have a habit of stretching the client’s problems into several significant paragraphs by the number of symbols, turning the lead into a full text.
A perfect introductory paragraph demonstrates to potential clients a deep understanding of the specialist’s needs, desires and difficulties that they face.
In some cases, (depending on the level of preparedness / awareness of the audience), this block of text can be built on the principle of “off the bat”. That is, to include, for example, the decryption of the service itself (say, something in the style of “repair what kind of home appliances you can entrust to me…”).
Be that as it may, always remember that the opening paragraph should serve as a kind of continuation of the title.
By the way, it is at the stage of drawing up a lead that private professionals have a good limit of trust from potential clients at the psychological level.
The fact is that an understanding of the problematic of a person by a group of persons is perceived worse than by an individual person. It’s like talking with one stranger and several people at once: in both cases there is discomfort, but in the second variant it is still stronger.
Moving on…
Think about the main part
You are one on one with a potential client. Therefore, very carefully refer to the main part of the text, which, as a rule, includes the proposal itself and the key evidence base + differences.
With the basic sentence everything is clear: it must be clear and as specific as possible. For example, I do not “offer a full range of cleaning services”, but “I will make crystal clear windows, floors, walls, ceilings…”.
As for the evidence base and the distinctive characteristics, one should be very cautious here. If you cannot confirm a loud statement, it’s better to stop using it.
Let’s say you say that you ALWAYS finish repair on time – not a minute later than the deadline set by the contract. In itself, this is a dubious statement (the management of several projects and force majeure circumstances has not been canceled).
Therefore, you better back up your words, for example, with guarantees or real facts, reviews, case studies (otherwise you will cause a skeptical smile instead of trust).
Imagine if the realtor simply (without cases) said that he would sell your apartment for 1.5 months and 10% more expensive. It would look more like bragging.
Use evidence base with the mind, because behind the “appearance” of the company you will not hide.
Sound the cost of services
Some forget, do not consider it necessary or deliberately ignore the indication of prices for their services. Others cannot voice the cost due to the fact that it “swims” depending on the circumstances.
As a result, potential customers go to look for similar services, the cost of which is announced (or at least there are benchmarks). Call you and clarify – this is the time. Why, in fact, should they spend it on you?!
Price – an indicator of the profitability of the offer. It should be in any case. If the cost of the services “floats”, then show examples of the work you performed with a specific amount that the client paid (this will become the price guide for your potential customers).
Call to action
When it comes to the text for the services of a private specialist, the call to action is the same mandatory element as the price.
This is the main goal of the text, to achieve which one or several alternative ways are used:
- call or write;
- call or come to visit;
- write to me on the mail or use the feedback form;
- etc.
Tell me directly what the reader should do to get the status of the client: call, write, follow the link, leave a request, fill out a form, order a callback.
Try to avoid any softening formulations (“you can issue”, “if you want to order”, etc.).
The cornerstone of success
The text that sells the services of a private specialist (like any other kind of text material) is not a magic tablet, which in itself is able to turn your business into a banknote oasis.
if the quality of services is lame (or worse – it’s gone below the “zero” mark), even the coolest selling text, written with all the recommendations from the copywriting guru, will not lead your business to a stable and good profit.
All good mood and loud victory in the battle for customers.