
Common questions

Why salespeople can be difficult to hear the customer

Why salespeople can be difficult to “listen” to clients article was recently published in the blog of Count Michael is a business coach and sales specialist. It turns out that many sellers are used to think about your product, designing its own selection criteria for all its customers. It can be seen, after observing the sellers: […]

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Questions you should ask every client

The concerns you have to request each idea client viewpoint about his function is a superb method to find out more effortlessly market service or your product. John Jantsch, the creator of the marketing program Duct-Tape Advertising, the writer of the book Duct-Tape Advertising: The world’s Many Useful Small Company Marketing Manual, presents frequently request […]

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Branding is a bad investment

Never thought that blogs can radically change the point of view. But it happened to me. Consistent and systematic caveats Geoffrey James, author of the blog, “Sales Machine”, relative to marketing techniques used in B2B, have forced me to reconsider own knowledge and experience and a more critical look at traditional methods and techniques that […]

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What marketers are not telling to their executives Part 1

There are situations in which it carefully hides from the management of the company. It can be the little things that are not worth special attention, and there may be actions that directly affect the performance of the company. What if this employee is a marketer? Edition MMR tried to investigate this issue and compiled […]

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How to Write an Analytical Thesis

To compose a thesis, find out more regarding the kind, purpose, and probable readers. To start, state a question and try to answer it; the answer will be a thesis. Present your position and be sure that it can be proved. Divide it into two parts: subject matter and a short overview of everything said […]

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How to encourage customers to recommend your business

Just how to encourage consumers to advocate your business according to Bhargava, Rohit Bhargava to the pages of your blog Duct Tape Marketing, the knowledge of the buyer from your company really has without any influence on whether it will propose you to my relatives, friends and associates. It may seem counterproductive. But if this […]

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